1:1 Consultation

1:1 Consultation 목록

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TITLE Now, what is the Real World?

NAMEStefanie DATE2024-07-19



Over $34,000 is paid back each year to our members. We pay cash back to our members from how well the team performed as well as how well the individual performed. And let the in-breath return-don’t pull it back, but let it come back as a reflex. And that goes back to Greek philosophy and all their ideas of nature. And, by and large, these people were always thinking about nature by analogy with the game of billiards. Yes, sure. I’ve made a pretty clear and, I think, sober statement of the powers and dangers of these things in that book. But before we go into that, I just want to know if there are any questions; if I’ve made myself clear, and if there are any of you who find me utterly unintelligible? And of course that would be brainwashing to a person who didn’t know how to meditate.

They are signs. But if you take words too seriously, you’re like a person who climbs a signpost instead of going where it points. Your brain will take care of understanding what I’m saying and you don’t need to worry about it. But in saying that, I have got myself into a linguistic trap. It’s a little bit like that, but language is so structured that I cannot talk without this implication. Once you get the knack of that, you can do it even while you’re thinking. You’ll be thinking of something else. And if you believe it hard enough, you’ll feel it. Central Ohio’s largest selection of pool tables are on display here for you to see and feel. Let them breathe as they feel like breathing. Is that like saying, "It is so because… We talk sometimes about the practice of meditation as if it were like practicing the piano; preparing for a concert.

It’s much more like the practice of medicine, as when you say: "I practice medicine." It means you do it every day. So you can be a scholar and practice meditation. Can you point to the division between my five fingers? Now, there’s not very much point in merely talking about this. This is not an anti-intellectual point of view. We are not very particular about what sounds, but just listen to the whole natural flow of sound as you would listen to music. Just let it flow. Let it think whatever it likes. Because when we talk of someone meditating, we think of deeply pondering about something. What happened was this: that when we separated events into separate bits, you see, what is billiards we forgot that we had done that in order to talk about the event. Now, what I suggest you do is this: have yourself seated with your backs as straight as possible, but not stiff. Now, is the head the cause of the tail, or is the tail the cause of the head?

Now, great music-as composed by Bach or Mozart or the Hindu music or some of the great contemporary composers-doesn’t mean anything except itself. Because, you see, music is peculiar, in that it is a marvelous pattern of sounds that doesn’t mean anything. But it doesn’t mean that God is dead, that life is nothing more than a trip from the maternity ward to the crematorium. When modern Protestant theologians of the sort of liberal type are saying God is dead, they mean that not literally, they mean a certain image of God is dead, outworn. Trees don’t mean anything. So in the Byzantine chant, where the Eastern churches, they don’t use musical instruments. Why don’t you all do it together. And it’s especially useful if you don’t happen to have a gong. Well, it’s all one cat: the whole cat moves. When a snake moves, which side moves first? This is an investment that will add quality and fun to your home, shouldn’t you see it in person first?