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TITLE See What Electric Fires Freestanding Tricks The Celebs Are Using

NAMEVelma DATE2024-05-30



mazona-ripley-4-kw-ecodesign-ready-multi-fuel-wood-burning-stove-313.jpgTypes of Electric Fires

nrg-defra-5kw-eco-design-stove-multifuel-cast-iron-fireplace-portable-1846.jpgIn contrast to traditional fireplaces, which emit heat through chimneys, electric fires are 100 100% efficient from the point of use. This means they are more considerate of the environment and may help lower energy costs.

You can find an electric fireplace that matches the decor of your home perfectly. You can use an electric fireplace to add warmth to the living space or give a cozy touch to a guest room.


If you're looking for a simple and quick way to add a fireplace to your home wall-mounted electric fire is a great choice. They can be mounted in a variety of homes and electric fires freestanding do not require a chimney or flue. This makes them ideal for homes without fireplaces. They produce less heat than traditional fireplaces, and can be more economical to run.

There are several electric fire suites that can be installed into a wall. They include the Celsi Ultiflame VR Elite and the Evonic e900 Gf. These suites include a fire and an inset framework that mimics the mantelpiece, giving them an elegant and minimalist appearance. These suites are perfect for those who wish to create a focal point and keep their floor free standing electric fires small.

You can pick from a variety of fuel beds that can be used with your wall-mounted electric fireplace. If you're looking for a traditional stove feel, go for an effect of log or coal or choose a contemporary pebble effect to create a sleek and modern look. A majority of our electric fireplaces come with an remote control that gives users easy access to various settings. Some of the top models also come with an app for smartphones that allows you to control your fireplace from any place in the room, no line of sight needed.

Although the initial cost of an electric fire is lower than that of a traditional fireplace, you may find that your electricity bills will rise little. This is due to the fact that electric fires don't draw in air from outside, and so all the heat they produce stays in the room. The amount that you pay per hour will be contingent on your electricity tariff and it's a good idea to check your tariff regularly to ensure you are getting the best deal.

Another benefit of an electric fireplace is that it doesn't create smoke or ash, which means it's not necessary to clean out the fireplace before or after use. This means they're safe to use in rooms that have sensitive occupants, such as young children or the elderly.


A free-standing electric fireplace suite such as the Celsi UltiflameVR Adour Aleesia Illumina and the OER Monaco, offers a complete fire look without the hassles of cleaning ash or log stocking. The entire suite is flat against the wall and often has downlights on the mantelpiece. They are perfect for contemporary living spaces, and they can even include the cutout for a TV that can accommodate a flatscreen television.

We have a range of high-end electric fireplaces, including marble and limestone finishes. Our models also feature a choice of different fuel beds ranging from pebbles to glowing coal for the most flexible and stylish aesthetics. You can pick from a variety of control features. Certain models feature 3D flame effects, whereas others have customizable backgrounds for an authentic look.

It is also important to think about the type of heat output you require, as this will determine how much energy an electric fire will use. A higher kW rating will generate more heat and is ideal for larger rooms, while a lower kW rating is ideal for smaller rooms. Examine your electricity bill and see how much per kWh you pay. This will impact your heating expenses.

Some electric fires freestanding fires include a thermostat or timer to control usage and help you keep your energy costs in check. With these options, you can set a comfortable temperature and then utilize the fire to maintain the level of warmth throughout your home. To maximize effectiveness, you can programme your electric fire to turn off when you leave the house for a specific amount of time.

Another benefit of electric fires is that they don't need any ventilation, meaning they can be utilized in any room of the house. Install one in your living room, bedroom or kitchen space. They're great for adding design to interiors. They can be added to a garden or conservatory. Think about an electric patio heater if are looking to add warmth to your outdoor areas.


Electric inset fireplaces are set flush with the fireplace and give it a modern, clean look. They are a popular choice for a variety of home decors from traditional to modern and come in a variety of designs to suit your preferences. These designs do not require chimneys or flue, so they can be incorporated into almost every space and are easy to install by yourself.

They are a good option for smaller rooms, however they might not be the best choice as a primary source of heat. That's because they have limited heating capacity when compared to traditional fireplaces and rely on electricity to power. They're not the best choice for homes that are subject to frequent blackouts, as they won't work until power is restored.

When choosing an electric fireplace with an inset look at the design and finish. It should match your home's style. Some models come with surrounds to create a traditional or modern fireplace aesthetic while others have glass, similar to the frame of a picture. There are also options to have your inset fire built into a wall or media build for an effortless integration into your home's design.

Most inset electric fireplaces use LED lights to replicate real flame effects. Some, such as the Evonic 900 GF or the Gazco eReflex 55R, use natural logs to create a genuine traditional fireplace appearance, while others are finished in crystals or bark to create an updated look.

If you're trying to make the most of your inset fire, consider a model with adjustable flame effects and thermostat controls. You can adjust the intensity and appearance of the flames to match your mood or the time of year.

Once you've settled on an electric fire inset Choose a brand known for quality and durability. Then, look for reviews from customers who have purchased the product to find out what their experience has been like. You can be confident that the product will meet your needs and give you years of enjoyment.


Freestanding electric fireplace stoves offer the flames that roar like a fireplace, without the hassles of installing a chimney or wood-burning fireplace. There are a myriad of types of electric fireplaces that you can choose from and some even have the appearance of holographic flames to create an authentic-looking fire. This kind of electric fireplace is ideal because it is easy to move from one room to another when you want to change the look of your interior.

Modern electric fires that stand on their own come in a wide variety of styles, from modern, sleek to classic and traditional. Some have log display and a stunning Optiflame LED fire effect that creates an impressive focal point for any living space, while others feature a more subtle design, with a simple back that is recessed or flat-to-the-wall. Some are connected to a standard wall socket and be used as a temporary heater while others are hard-wired into the electrical system of your home to make it more permanent.

It is crucial to consider the amount of heat produced by a freestanding fire. This is usually measured in kW. Electric fires use more energy the higher the kW rating. You'll need to evaluate your own electricity consumption and make sure that you aren't exceeding your limit. You should also consider the thermal efficiency and insulation levels of your space. Rooms that are well-insulated can hold heat and avoid overheating. It's not necessary to use a high kW rating.

You can also find an electric fireplace that is eco-friendly and efficient. These models are 100% efficient when in use, so there is no gas waste or harmful emissions. This makes them safer, especially for families with young pets and children.

Electric fires are an excellent way to add warmth and character to your living space. They're an investment that will benefit any household. A freestanding electric fireplace from the Fires2U collection is ideal for any home.